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вторник, 9 мая 2017 г.

Exam. Healthy Way Of Life

Healthy Way of Life

1) Let’s talk about a healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health?
One of the first duties we owe to ourselves is to keep our bodies in perfect health. There are certain laws of health which are simple, but very important for us to follow.
First and foremost, pure fresh air is indispensable to good health. So every room in the house, especially the bedrooms, should be properly ventilated every day.
Secondly, perfect cleanliness is also important. The whole body should be washed as often as possible. Our skin "breathes" the way the lungs do. Therefore it should always be clean.
Thirdly, physical exercises are necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. It is essential for the old and the young to do morning exercises with the windows wide open in your room or, if possible, in the open air.
Although exercises warm and fill the body with energy, rest is also necessary to the health of both body and mind. The best time for sleep is during the darkness and stillness of the night. We should go to bed early and get up early. It is a good rule to "rise with the lark and go to bed with the lark".
Finally, most essential to our body is food. Be moderate in eating. If you eat slowly, you will not overeat.
To crown it all, we must remember that moderation in eating, reasonable hours of work and study, regularity in exercise, rest, cleanliness and many other essentials lay the foundations for good health and long life.

2) Is home-made food better than junk food? Why?
Our world is very fast. It’s getting faster and faster. People don’t have enough time for doing important things. This also includes cooking and eating food. Fast food is easy and conven­ient. It takes less time to get it and many people like its taste. But many people are overweight and don’t understand why. The role of fast food in being overweight is very important. Food has a lot of additives if it is not home cooked.Foods like pastas, pizzas, burgers look nice and taste nice because of artificial colours, flavourings and preservatives.
However it is important to understand that though fast food looks so nice and tasty it may be dangerous for your health. Fast food, if eaten often, can lead to obesity and other problems.
Fast food is highly unhealthy and can never give the nutri­ents and vitamins of a healthy home-cooked meal. Fast food is inexpensive because it is usually made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat, sugar and fats, instead of nutritious foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables. It doesn’t provide any benefits to the body and the harm it causes to the health is numerous.

3) What questions will you ask a fitness coach?
1. Do you believe in the effect of fitness?
2. What is the most effective exercise?
3. Does fitness help people to look attractive?
4. What should I eat before and after a workout?
5. How quickly will I see the results of my training?

4) What activities can you advise a person who wants to have a healthy way of life?
If you want to become a healthier person, it’s all about making grad­ual changes. Follow these tips and you will live a long, healthy and happy life.
1) Get lots of sleep. To be healthy you’ll need 8-10 hours of sleep every day. This keeps you awake and attentive, so you don’t have to drink caffeine and sugar-loaded energy drinks.
2) Laugh and smile! Smiling and laughing a lot, as it has been scientifically proved, keeps you healthier.
3) Do nothing for a short while. Staying in a dark, quiet place without having any stressful thoughts for about ten minutes will help you relax and feel better. Just do this twice a day.
4) Eat more fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Try to get at least 2-3 portions of fruit per day.
5) Drink water! Try drinking 250-gram glasses of water three times a day. It helps you re-energize and keep going. Not drinking enough fresh water leads to headaches and other problems. Do this, and you’ll stay in good condition.
6) Get a little exercise every day. This will not only make you feel better, and make you look better, but help you to get through the day.         
7) Stretch! It feels great! From when you wake up in the morning, to your gym class, this easy form of muscle exercise warms you up and makes you more flexible.
8) Run and jog! This doesn’t necessarily mean run five miles every morning, just for about 10 minutes twice a week will keep you in shape.
9) Do something you love. Play with a pet, go swimming, ride a bike or go for a walk. If you had a bad day at school, doing things you love to do will keep you in a good mood and take out your anger. Not only is this fun, but it lets you be yourself for a while. Try it!
10) Feel good about yourself! There is always going to be someone in the room who does at least one thing better than you, so don’t compare yourself to other people! Find things you are good at, and use your talents!
Positive emotions are healthy, prolong life and make living pleasant.

5) Why is a balanced diet important for your health?
There is a wise saying "You are what you eat" or "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"; which means that a balanced diet is the best way to get a healthy body.
We should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables full of vitamins. We should cut down the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food. Scientists say that such food increases danger of cancer and heart disease. We should limit the amount of fizzy drinks, alcohol and fast or junk food. It leads to health problems.
I personally try to eat only healthy food. I don't eat a lot of meat or fried food. I try to eat porridge, fish, soup, salads, fruit and vegetables.

• Your English Exam Support: Подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку: пособие для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образования / [сост. Н.А. Сергиенко]. – Мозырь: Белый Ветер, 2015. – 97, [3] с.

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